Old Quebec Ghost Hunt

Chasse aux fantomes

You truly can’t stop progress: even our ghosts are getting in on the latest technology. They can now tell their tales through a smartphone application, on various routes in Québec City. Using short video clips and geolocalisation clues, your mission will be to hunt down ghosts on a pre-established route. The clues that will be […]

Christmas in New France

Soft and gentle, this Winter walking tour through the streets of Old Québec will take you back to the past, as we will delight you with our telling of happy stories of old. You will hear of old Christmas customs and legends of New France. How did the French settlers become acclimated to the Québec […]

Crimes in New France

Beware, the ghosts are watching you! The street theatre performance Crimes in New France will bring you in contact with several criminals who lived during the New France era, starting with the spectres of the executioner Jean Rattier or his wife Marie Rivière. Other mysterious characters will materialise in your path. . . sometimes giving […]

Crimes in New France

The story of New France overflows with tales of horrible crimes, arrests and executions that still haunt Old Québec to this day. The most famous executioner, Jean Rattier or his wife, the implacable Marie Rivière will gladly tell you all about them each in their own wicked ways. Be warned that their dreadful sense of […]